Saturday, May 1, 2010

The need for pondering


The list goes on and on. All of these terms are used to describe God.

At church last night we sang song after song that listed one characteristic of God after another. All of a sudden I was consumed by each and every quality mentioned. I would sit there and focus on one quality so I could better understand how truly amazing He is. The song would say “faithful” and then move to the next quality without giving an appropriate amount of time to really understand the vastness of His faithfulness (not that we can really fully understand the extend of His faithfulness, but more time should be allotted to centering our minds on this fact). If we don’t revel in how faithful He really is, then we are singing for nothing. We fail to realize in that single moment that He will never leave us or forsake us (nobody else is unconditional in that way). He sent His Son to die for me. How can He be more faithful than that?

In all, there were about 30 attributes listed in about 2 songs. Instead of saying “faithful” over and over until it struck us exactly how faithful He is, we moved on. We sing a word such as this and get a 1 second glimpse of the characteristic, but that’s simply not enough.

I’ve been on this hardcore journey the last 7 or so months in which I have started to really see how sovereign He really is. It’s been a challenging few months because my views on so many things have changed; but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I feel like I’m really starting to discover His great love for us (which is another word we kept referring to. We sang, “How He loves us so.” Even though we did repeat this verse a lot, we still miss the vastness of His love for us; it is incomprehensible. Words do not even come close to encompassing what His love really is).

I’m not saying that I dislike these songs; I’m just saying that often times we sing these words and somehow forget to be so enamored by what these characteristics really show about the God we serve. When we solely sing through a list, we miss the point.

I know this is not in any way tied to Egypt, but I was so overwhelmed by this that I needed to write it down. To make a stretch though, this can be tied to Egypt because by discovering what these characteristics mean, I am more able to worship Him and serve Him in a manner more pleasing to Him. When I start to discover His faithfulness, love, and sovereignty, I am better able to express it to others.

~For His Glory~